" Where law and business meet "
+27 (0) 12 751 6990 Hatfield, Pretoria.

Practice Areas

Amongst the variety of legal services, Phologe Mampuru Incorporated Attorneys is dedicated to providing excellent legal services to our diverse clients and society in general.

Labour Law

Over the years, we have gained valuable and expertise in labour matters. The matters include representation at the Disciplinary Hearings, CCMA, Bargaining Council, Labour Court amongst others. Our services are both for employees and employers.

Family Law

Maintenance, divorce, children’s matters are amongst many issues that a large number of people in our society have to reckon with. It is through our expertise in the field that we are able to assist our clients in this regard.

Debt Recovery

As much as there is a large number of South Africans that are in debt, there are as many people or corporations that are defrauding South Africans of their hard earned money. We assist many clients to recover what is owed to them by acting swiftly and promptly on their behalf.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Not every matter or issue needs to be ventilated through our courts. In the spirit of humanness, understanding and communication, some matters can be resolved outside of the court system by assistance through Alternative Dispute Resolution.

General Litigation Practice

This is almost our bread and butter, the basis of almost all the matters we handle. Our team handles civil litigation matters in various jurisdictions and as a result we can assist clients across the country.

Engineering Law

The engineering landscape has changed and developed with such a speed over last couple of years due to the advancements in technology and information. As as result, it is important to keep up to date with all the developments, including legal, in this field and this is where we offer our legal expertise.

Constitutional Law

South Africa has one of the most advanced constitutions in the world which come with certain democratic rights and responsibilities. In addition, all the legislative laws of South Africa support and uphold the Constitution however, many South Africans do not understand their constitutional rights and much less the responsibilities attached to them.

Project Management

In this day and age, it is imperative that legal matters are managed in an efficient and effective manner to avoid and manage escalating legal costs and the most important resource, time.

Corporate Governance

Businesses in South Africa, big or small, are governed by legislation to promote independence, accountability, transparency and fairness. We provide legal services to businesses or corporate personnel that seek to excel in their field.

Voluntary and Hostile Takeovers

Business takeover occur in South Africa and it may be either under voluntary or hostile conditions. It would make sense to have support of a legal service provider that understands the internal workings of takeovers.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can be very complicated for the average lay person and to some extend, to even experienced corporate personnel. However, we have the knowledge to guide businesses in this territory.


Sequestration may not be what many businesses envisioned however, should it come that, we can provide the legal guidance on how to navigate the route. With meaningful support, the process need not be painful.

Corporate and Commercial Practice

We have vast experience in corporate and commercial law including commercial entity registrations, contractual agreements and many more. Contracts may seem fairly easy until they have to be interpreted and tested in front of a court. We can assist in the original drafting of legal documents to avoid downstream complications.

Supply Chain Management

We provide guidance to both private and public sectors on how to navigate the complex administrative processes of different kinds of procurement.

PM Inc. Attorneys

Where Law and Business Meet